Mark it Zero!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Hello interweb enthusiasts -
Just a brief introduction about myself and what will be appearing on this site over the next few months. I'm a long time sports fan with middling writing skills and a dry, angry sense of humor. If you're wondering what that means, I'll be posting items like "5 things I hate about you" and "5 things you hate about me", and random middle-finger pointing at various sports teams and figures. This site will have sports criticism, but don't come here for daily news updates - I'll link to sites I check for that. I'll be posting opinions on sports, on life's little trials and tribulations, and about people that annoy me. When things really get going here, we'll do some mailbags, guest articles, and other stuff that'll add to the site. For right now, let's get our feet wet with things. Check back every few days to check on the new stuff that's goin' up.
Joe the Boss

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